Whether you are looking to make greeting cards at home, learn typing, do a newsletter, create a scrapbook, start a business, or get some clip art and fonts, we have the right software title for you. Broderbund has the software get the job done. Our titles can make things easier and help you to improve your life. Whether you need help with your business, a home project, leisure entertainment or play, Broderbund has your needs covered. Choose from PC and Mac compatible software.


Broderbund began in the early 1980s in Eugene, Oregon. Galactic Empires, Prince of Persia and Lode Runner had an immediate impact on the gaming industry. Successes grew and continued for years, Myst ranked as the highest grossing home computer game. Currently, Broderbund ranks as the No.1 publisher for consumer desktop publishing titles. The flagship brands, The Print Shop and PrintMaster, are top performers. As the No. 1 brand in typing instruction, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, is another big customer favorite. Everyday customers enjoy the ease and practicality Broderbund design tools offer.